Friday 23 October 2015

Juno Opening Scene

In today's lesson (01/10/15) we got into groups for our task. our task was to create a video as similar to the Juno 'All I want is you' as we can. My group consisted of Melissa, Toby and me, Melissa was the actor in the film, I played a small part in the film as one of the runners and I also provided some of the props. Toby filmed the majority of the video.
This is our story board:

This is our final video:

Analysis of Juno

I think our Juno video didn't go very well as we missed vital shots such as the lamp post and the feet shot, although this was our first attempt with the cameras and filming. Our group did work well together and we all had equal parts. 

We created a story board that should have had more detail because we forgot important shots, therefore if the story board was detailed enough we wouldn't have missed the shots. Although our filming was good for the detail we had. The storyboard was mostly accurate, the timings went well and the type of shots went well. But it was a correct representation of the opening scene of Juno.

The strengths of my group was that we worked well together and allocated roles fairly and worked hard to make the video correct. The weaknesses of my group was that the planning of the story board was not done thoroughly enough. The editing process was a strength allow we all did it separately and we did well to make it look good considering the lack of footage which was another weakness. Another weakness was that the runner was running in the wrong direction and we forgot small details of the scene, for example the person who played Juno should have pretended to drink the bottle of juice in the scene but she didn't.

We used still shots, medium shots, close up shots and tracking shots when filming. When editing we used premiere and i used the slow motion effect to get the walking in time with the real video. I also edited using effects to cartoon the video which made in similar to the real video. 

In conclusion i have learnt that i need more practice when using the camera and when using premiere to edit my videos, i also learnt that the storyboard is key when filming so that you know exactly what your doing and so that you don't miss out on key information. This therefore means that next time i do a story board i will make it thorough and clear to understand. 


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