Tuesday 27 October 2015


In todays lesson (08/10/15) we had our first meeting for our Pre-lim task in our groups, my group consists of me Toby, Alex and Tez. We are creating a scene for a film that has the genre of action.
Today we planned the scene, making sure that we include the shots needed these are:
  • Match on action
  • Reverse shot
  • An establishing shot
  • At least two close ups of the characters
  • A tracking shot
  • High angle shot
Therefore when deciding what we was going to do for our film scene we took into context the shots we needed. We discussed our ideas and drew pictures on our story board to make sure we know where we are filming and what we are filming. We worked out who the actors were and what role everyone has in the task. We also planned when we was going to meet to shot the film and planned time to shot and time to edit. We then decided that we was going to go straight into action in the scene, and also planned when we was going to film the tracking shot.
This is our story board so far, we are going to add text to it in  our next meeting.

In todays lesson (09/10/15) we had our second meeting for our Pre-lim task in our groups. Today we added to the story board in detail and confirm when we was going to be filming and what the story line for the scene will be. After our first meeting members of the group went to where we was going to film and assessed the area and judged where would be best to film. They also took a few shots and worked out what shots we are going to take when we film. Below is our story board in detail, the story board has notes on it which describes what is happening in that shot and what type of shot it is.

In today's lesson (12/10/15) we filmed our pre-lim task at galley wood common from 1:45-3:15 , below are a few shots of Alex filming as this was the role he took.

In today's lesson (13/10/15) we went over the footage we got from last lesson, Alex had put all the footage together, we improved our story board to what actually occurred during the footage and discussed what we was going to do to improve the footage. We decided that in tomorrow's lesson we will re film some parts that could have better acting or better camera work.

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