Thursday 24 September 2015


In today's lesson learnt about the film industry. I also learnt the acronym 'PIES' which will help me remember what to do when analyzing uses and to analyze uses and gratification.

P - Personal Gratifications
I - Information
E - Entertainment
S  - Social Interaction

Film and You

What do the following words mean:

Film- The word film to me means a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a cinema or on television.

Cinema- A cinema is a place where you can go to view films as soon as they are released whereas at home you would have to wait until the DVD comes out and a cinema is a relaxing place.
Industry- An industry is a collective organization who make money out of something on a larger scale.

 My Top Ten Films:

1) Grown ups
2) Mrs doubtfire
3) Just married
4) Life as we know it
5) My Sister's Keeper
6) Just go with it 
7) Mean girls
8) Another Cinderella story
9) The Fault in our Stars
10) Shes the man.

What do my top ten films have in common?
The majority of my favourite films are from the 'comedy' and 'Rom-com' genre for example Grown ups, Just married, Just go with it, Shes the man, Mean girls and Mrs doubtfire. Some are more from the 'Drama' genre such as Another Cinderella story and Life as we know it. But i also enjoy emotional drama type films such as my sisters keeper and fault in our stars.

How do you find out about a film?
I tend to find out through friends, family and on social media such as Facebook where trailers for new films are sometimes posted. I also find out on the television and advertisements.

What makes you want to see a film?
Usually if I am interested in the story-line from the trailer I will most likely go to see that film. Also if a lot of people are talking about it and suggesting i should see it then I will probably go and see it. 

How do you know what to expect from a film?
You know what to expect by watching the trailer of the film and reading the reviews it has be given. You can tell what genre the film is from the semiotics of the film that are shown through the music and the colours used. For example if the colours are light and bright then it is likely to be a happy joyful film, probably a comedy.

What are you paying for when you buy a cinema ticket/rent a DVD?
You are paying for the pleasure of being able to sit and relax and watch a film on a big screen. Therefore you are paying for the seats you sit in the big screens. You are also paying for the marketing and advertisement of the film.

Where do you watch films?
I watch films at the cinema, on DVD and on Netflix or Put-locker. but i don't always go to the cinema to watch films because of the cost, plus i can watch films that are released in the cinema on put-locker for free, that therefore makes it pointless to pay to watch them.I also watch films on sky movies and stream them online. The difference between watching a film at home or at the cinema is that at home you can pause the TV and you are in control of when you watch it. But at the cinema if you go to the toilet for example you would miss parts of the film.

Are there some films you have to see at the cinema?
I think there are films you must see straight away sometimes because you are excited about them but im sure you can wait until they come out on DVD. Although most people don't have the advanced TVs where you can watch films in 3D at home so if it is a 3D film it is probably best to go and watch it at the cinema.

How many industries can you name?
Disney, Sony, Universal, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox and Paramount which are 'The Big Six'. Then there are smaller industries such as Lionsgate and MGM.

Monday 21 September 2015


High budget vs low budget films

Low budget film: Paranormal activity  
Paranormal activity is a low budget film and is a thriller. Paranormal Activity costed $15,000 to produce. Paranormal activity made $193 million profit for their production company Paramount. A low budget film focuses on the advertisement and acting quality of the film rather than on the film itself. Paramount's Famous and Successful films: Iron man, wolf of wall street, Area 51, Top gun, The avengers, titanic 3D, Footloose.

 High budget film: The dark knight rises
The dark knight rises is a high budget film and is a action film. The dark knight rises costed $250 million to produce and made $433 million profit. It was created by the following production companies Warner Brothers, Legendary pictures, DC entertainment Inc. and Syncopy Inc. This highlights that the film is a high budget film because of the amount of distributors and production companies used. A vast amount of money was used to create the amazing special effects in the film and for the advertisement. The film costed more to produce because it uses one of the production companies from the ‘BIG SIX’ and because it was distributed by four different companies. The warner brothers is a very well known production company and normally produces thrillers and action films.

 Similarities and differences
The low budget film ‘Paranormal activity’ only uses one production company where as the high budget film ‘The dark night rises’ uses four, this shows that there was more work put into to creating the high budget film. The low budget film created more profit. The was a massive amount of special effects used on the high budget film and there was only a small amount of effects used on the low budget film.
Both production companies for the films tend to produce action and thriller films. ( Warner Brothers, Paramount).

Which is more successful? 
I believe that Warner brothers is more successful as tit has produced more films and is one of the big six, it is also well known and has a strong fan base. Warner brothers has more experience compared to paramount whether advertising, distributing and creating films.
Although paramount is quite successful as well especially in the film ‘Paranormal activity’ as the profit is vast.