Wednesday 16 September 2015


In todays lesson we learnt about different theorists and their opinions as to how films work.

Roland Barthes- Came up with the idea that there are 5 narrative codes which are:
  • Hermeneutic/Enigma code- This is the hook and the mystery within the text. these are the questions that don't get answered, therefore this makes the audience want to know more.
  • Proairetic/Action code- The action in the text, therefore what happens.
  • Semantic code- Additional meanings, the connotation. These are the things that mean different things, this is also where you have a layer of meaning.
  • Symbolic code- This is the symbolism within the text (props).
  • Referential code- Anything in the text , with refers to an external body of knowledge such as scientific, historical and cultural knowledge.
Todorov- Came up with the theory a every film has 5 stages.
  • Equilibrium- State of normality.
  • Disruption of equilibrium- A character or an action causes an affect which disturbs the film.
  • The main protagonist- Recognition that the equilibrium has been disrupted.
  • Restoration of equilibrium- The protagonist attempts to restore equilibrium.
  • New equilibrium- Equilibrium is restored but transformed, changes have occurred from the original equilibrium.
Propps- Came up with the idea that there are 8 character types in a film.
  1. The hero
  2. The villain
  3. The donor
  4. The dispatcher
  5. The false hero
  6. The helper
  7. The princess
  8. Her father
Levi-Strauss- Binary oppositions
  • Good and bad
  • Old and young
  • Big and small
My sisters keeper

Roland Barthes codes can be applied to 'My sisters keeper' . The enigma code for my sisters keeper would be that we are interested to see what the family is like and what relationships everyone within the family has with each other due to the awful situation. We also want answers for the questions raised, an example in this opening scene of a question would be 'does the engineered child agree with being born to save her sisters life?'.
The action code is used in this opening scene because we get a brief insight to what is going to happen in the film, but it does not ruin the enigma code. We find out that there is a family who have a child battling cancer, and that the parents decided to have a engineered child to safe their other child's life.
The symbolic code isn't used that much in this opening scene although we notice that props such as hospital equipment will be used consistently throughout the film. There are also photos during the opening scene of the family this symbolizes that the film is family orientated.
The semantic code is used in 'My sisters keeper' because of the family, as the cancer of the child is the prominent meaning of the film, it is all about what you can for your family. Also that decisions make massive differences in families and that people have different opinions on what they believe is acceptable.
The referential code is used in this opening scene as there is text frequently used in the opening scene, such as the actors and who produced the film and some titles. There is historical knowledge such as the history of the family, there is also scientific knowledge because in the film 'My sisters keeper' science is used to test on the engineered child and use parts of her body to save the previous child.
Therefore all of Roland Barthes codes can be applied to 'My sisters keeper' this therefore makes his theory correct in this example.

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