Tuesday 8 September 2015


In today's media lesson (07/09/2015) I learnt about semiotics, semiotics is the study of signs and anything which stands for something else. I also learnt that denontation is about what you see when you look at a image therefore what the image is and i learnt about connotation which is what you understand from an image therefore what other meaning it has. I learnt that preferred reading is how the creator wants the audience to view the media text, and oppositional reading is where the intended meaning of the text is confused.

The semiotics in this film poster in the back ground is fire showing danger, the red also symbolises this, and the colour black symbolises death. The character in the middle is holding a bow and arrow which  is a icon that shows there is some form of fighting or war in the film. The girl is also clearly the main character as she is in the middle of the poster and is the only character on the whole poster. The character looks fierce and ready for battle. The text is capitalised to make it a focal point for the viewers, the top bit of text gives the viewers an insight as to what the film is going to be about.

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