Saturday 21 November 2015

Adobe Premiere edit practice

In todays lesson (09/09/15) we used an editing software called 'Adobe Premiere' this enables us to add effects different videos and add sound to the video. Our task was to create a video involving dancing animals and James bond for about two minutes. We learnt throughout the lesson how to edit using Premiere below is my dancing animals and James bond video.

Analysis of my video
It took me a while to adjust to using adobe premiere when doing the dancing bears task. this is because I found it difficult to edit and to know where certain edit designs are. I learnt a lot from doing the task as I learnt how to use adobe premiere and I learnt what effects are best for what thing, therefore at the end of the task I was confident in using the software. I used the black and white effect in my video, I used an effect which created multiple images on the screen at the same time which I quite liked. The dancing bears video consisted of different small videos that I had to merge together which made the full video. I made sure I had a different effect on each different small video so that I learnt how to use different effects and so that the video was interesting for viewers.
The James bond video consisted of videos from the film itself and sound from the film, I added effects to make it more interesting for the viewers.

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