Monday 9 November 2015


In today's lesson (03/11/15) we learnt about different types of sounds used in film openings. The following are the different types:
  • Foley- When you add extra sound to someone else.
  • Diegetic- sounds the characters can hear. 
  • Non-diegetic-sounds characters cannot hear. 
  • Synchronous sounds- when you can see and hear a sound.
  • Asynchronous sounds- when you cants see where the sound is coming from, still a diegetic sound.
  • Sound bridge
  • Ambient sound- surrounding sounds. 
  • Soundscape- created to build tension.
  • Voice over- louder than the other sounds. 
There is also film music which can be the following:
  • Symphonic- large orchestral sounds.
  • Melody- a tune.
  • Atonal- when there is no key.
  • Rhythmic- percussive sound that forms a beat.
  • Dissonant- combinations of sounds.
For example in 'The hunger games: Catching fire' there is soundscape used that the beginning of the opening sequence to build tension and show the setting. There is also asynchronous sounds as you cant see where the sound is coming from but you can hear it. The sound is rhythmic as the sound forms a beat that fits wit the video shown. The beat of the drums get louder and faser as the sequence continues.

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