Friday 20 November 2015

Location for our film opening

After establishing we were going to shoot in a school I scouted ours for a great location to film. After searching various places I thought that music department would be best. This is because of the great features that will improve the way we stage our film. The staircase will be a great feature to the film as we can emphasize the stress of the girl by having her run, stomp and maybe even fall down the stairs. After taking some shots in the classroom I also quickly spotted that there are a variety of angles from which we can film at. The table layout will also help as we can have her sitting in a row all by herself at the front or back. The photo that was taken from the back left of the class shows how the whiteboard is central and big. This way we can write horrible comments and messages about her on it. Also we could use the PC screens to display other horrid stuff.

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