Saturday 7 November 2015


In today's lesson (06/11/15) we learnt about different titles and that there are many different ways you can use titles to make the opening of your film more interesting. We watched an interview with Richard Morrison on the important of the title sequence, we then chose a film and analysed each of the titles describing the font, color scheme, semantics and lengths.

The last of us
I decided to chose the last of us to analyse as I was interested in the titles used. Most of them are similar this can be seen as negative as there isn't much variety although it shoes that the film is a serious film possibly a drama. Also the backgrounds change from white to black symbolizing opposites, as black and white are complete opposites.The font was all the same style in all of the titles.

Title 1: 1-4 seconds

The font is bold white capitals including the title of the film, with a black ground symbolizing the opposites.The title stands out as it is large and block capitals.

Title 2: 10-13 seconds

The font is small, plain and white with the names of the position above the person who did the position in capitals. There a moving shapes in the background which adds effect.

Title 3: 14-16 seconds
The font is the same as the previous title being white with a black background. Including the position in capitals. There are white dots featured in the background as the transitions continue from each title.

Title 4: 17-19 seconds
The font is similar again although the title moves to different places on the screen so that it is not boring, the film position is again on the title in capitals.Again there are patterns in the background ot make it interesting.

Title 5:  20-22 seconds

The font is the same having the position of the role above in lower case and the person doing the role name below in capitals. With a black back ground and white shapes moving around.

Title 6:  23-25 seconds

The font is the same except the text is black and the background is mostly white showing the contrast between the previous title.

Title 7:  25- 27 seconds

This title is different and has black text with a white back ground. Although the font is the same size. The position of the role is above in lower case and the person doing the role name below in capitals in the text.

Title 8:  27-29 seconds

This font is the same size as the previous font, with black text on a white background which keeps changing from white to black and mixes of colours in between the change.

Title 9: 31-32 seconds

This font is again the same size, but the text has changed to white and the background has changed to black. This consistent change intrigues the audience as to what is going to happen in the film.

Title 10: 35-37 seconds

This title is the same as before, but there is a gap in between these two titles were the background changes.

Title 11: 38-39 seconds

This title includes text that is black in lower case and capitals in a different section of the screen to ensure that the audience don't get bored. The background is white although there are some patterns in the background that show change.

Title 12 :40-41 seconds

This title has the same size font as all the other titles except from the title 1, the text colour has changed to white and the background is black with other shades moving consistently.

Title 13: 42-43 seconds

This title is the same as before, although each title describes a different role of the film and who that role is done by. The background is black and the text is white in lower case and upper-case .

Title 14: 44-46 seconds

This title uses the same font, but the background is white and the text is black. This repeated patter of the changing of background and text colour shows that there are different meanings within the titles as they change from one extreme to another.

Title 15: 47-48 seconds

This title includes a black background and white text in a different section of the screen showing who completed the role of each part of the film.

Title 16: 49-51 seconds

This title concludes of text and a background that changes all the time, the text colour is black and the background is white.

Title 17: 54-55 seconds

The font is the same in this title as the previous title although the background is now black and the text is white.

Title 18:  56-58 seconds

This title is the same as the previous title although it is presented in a different part of the screen to keep the audiences attention.

Title 19: 59-1.01 seconds

This title has black text which has the persons name in capitals to empathize who worked in the production of the film, the role they play is in lower case. The background is white in this title.

Although it seems as though the background just changes from black to white but the background has other shapes which make it more interesting than a plain color, these shapes help merge the background from one title to the next.

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