Saturday 7 November 2015


Today (05/11/15) we went to London to the BFI, to listen to different producers and Rob miller do a Q and A and we also listen to Rob Miller talk about mainstream and independent films. We also learnt about production, distribution, and marketing.

Film franchise means merchandising, and horizontal integration is one company working in the same sector acquires or buys another company.

Independent films:
In-betweeners 2, Bone Tomahawk, and The falling are all examples of independent films.
All independent films are associated with critical success, these are films that make you ask questions. Although these films are hard to access and not made by one of the big six.
Frank is an independent film that is rarely shown in multiple cinemas, it has a lower production value and limited star marketing. Frank targets an older audience and doesn't have a clear genre, there is not a lot of special effects include in the trailer. This film uses a low budget like all independent films do, it challenges and provokes. also this film explores films and different issues in the world.

Mainstream films:
The minions, Avengers,and Jurassic World are all examples f mainstream films, All mainstream films make you laugh and cry, these films are here to entertain you and are easy to access.
Star wars:
Star wars is a mainstream film that has a safe, clear genre, there is high star marketing and a high production value for this film. This film is easy for the audience to access as it is shown in multiple cinemas and is a block buster movie. This film has a emotive narrative this means it makes you feel, all mainstream films including star wars are controlled by the 'BIG SIX' . There is also extensive use of special effects.

Film production- This is the physical making, shooting and editing of a film.
Film distribution- This is the sharing out of the film into different cinemas. This is crucial otherwise the film wouldn't be successful.
Below are the audience appeals of the trailer:

  • Enigma (narrative) - convention of a trailer.
  • Actors (well know)
  • Genre
  • Story line
  • Editing (explosions)
  • Older James bond films intrigue the audience to watch the next James bond films.
  • Familiarity
  • Mystery/action/ comedic aspect 
  • IMAX exhibition 
  • Binary oppositions (good v evil)
  • Star marketing
In the Q&As we learnt how each person got to there position in the industry. Faye Ward who is a film producer spoke to us about how she got to being a film producer, she said that if any of us wanted to become a film producer we would have to work our way up the industry. She spoke us about her recent film called 'Suffragette' and explained how long all the different aspects of the films took to do. 
Gareth Lowrie spoke us about universal pictures, he is a senior marketing manager from universal pictures.Paul Ridd works at London Cinemas and acquisitions coordinator at picture house, he spoke to us about where he is and what he does in the industry. 

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